The Art of Unfolding

October 22, 2023

The Art of Unfolding

2023/10/22 16:00:00
What in your life is ready to unfold? Join Dominique and Stephanie for a 4-hour embodied movement experience, exploring how to honor what is newly emergent in our bodies and spirits. Take the next step on your unique journey with invigorating Nia dance, grounding Restorative yoga, and affirming connection with BIPOC community. Together, we will co-create a space of play and permission, trusting in the sacred process of our collective transformation.

Stephanie Parker (she/her) 

is a Black intuitive somatic healer, licensed Nia movement instructor, and anti-oppression facilitator based in Oakland, California. She creates safe, affirming, sacred, decolonial spaces, guiding in a nonhierarchical way that allows collective wisdom to emerge from the group. Stephanie is initiated in Afro-Cuban spiritual practice, and weaves sacred ritual into all of her offerings. She was called to the path of ancestral healing by her own body’s divine act of refusal in the form of severe upper body nerve pain, a condition that led her to step away from her movement organizing and career in tech. Stephanie’s search for relief led her to Bethamie Wyatt’s Nia Dance class, where she experienced the physical release of trapped emotions, loving intergenerational community, and the embodied sensation of feeling both freedom and safety at the same time. It was this spirit-led encounter that served as a catalyst for her decision to walk in her purpose as a healer. You can learn more about Stephanie and her offerings at and follow her on Instagram at @catchlight27.

Dominique Cowling Dominique (she, her)

 is a Bay Area native dedicated to transforming trauma and violence into opportunities of freedom. For the past decade, she has been honored to learn & share liberatory tools for reconnection. Her former work as the Healing Justice Program Director at Community United Against Violence supported low income to no income queer and Trans survivors of intimate partner violence, hate violence and police violence through direct service and organizing. In addition to teaching Restorative Yoga, she has provided peer counseling, support groups, seasonal healing programs, mentorship and community trainings. Her relationship to spirit and the natural world guides her work. She is the founder of Black Seeds Project, where she provides private and group sessions in nature. Through these offerings, she weaves her studies in psychology, ecotherapy,mindfulness and trauma informed yoga to explore deeper intimacy. Each session is tailored to specific needs around emotional and spiritual health. The seasonal programs invite attunement to the cycles and changes of our shared environment. Her heart swells thinking about the courage it takes to accept the invitation of building an authentic relationship with self, community and mama earth.

Visit and to see more offerings.

Sunday, October 22nd 1-5 pm
656 Quinan St

Click for More Information & Registration